Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Funny Story...

So last Sunday my Bishop was teaching the combined RS/EQ lesson about the scouting program (weird topic for a singles ward I know). But he told a story about a young man, David Zacharias, that he got to know while serving as a scout leader in his ward. This boy as he put it "had a gift for aggravating people." David was notorious for getting into trouble. For example the day they went to do baptisms for the dead David decided to do a cannon ball into the font. Can you imagine? The waves sloshing over the edge of the font, and the poor witnesses getting soaked. Who does that? I laughed so hard. I feel a little bad saying this but I wish I could have been there to see that.


Anonymous said...

Ha ha! Your story makes me simultaneously laugh and cringe.

Life, Love and a Lil Sauce said...

Love the story! And so excited you have a blog ... BTW, you need to cut your bangs.

Kari said...

That is a GREAT story! I would've loved to see that, too!